Search for tag: "students."
Top Tips for a Good QuizIn this video we will share top tips generating a good quiz for your audience to engage with.
From Muriel Reyes
16 plays
Key Card Reader Tutorial VideoThis video explains how to use the key card readers to open doors here on campus.
From Christopher Steiner
56 plays
Kaltura Education Video SolutionsVideo management and publishing is becoming a core part of the modern day educational institution. We offer flexible options to jumpstart a next generation video experience on your campus and…
From __ADMIN__36734
22 plays
Cornell Uni: Scaling the Video InfrastructureMichael Tolomeo, Instructional Media Manager, shares how video usage at Cornell University evolved over time. From transcoding all videos in-house to outsourcing it to Kaltura in order to scale…
16 plays
Oregon State: Creating a Campus Media PortalRaul Burriel from Oregon State University discusses how OSU utilizes Kaltura's powerful Management Console (KMC) and easy to use MediaSpace front end (KMS), to give more than 25,000 users the…
13 plays