The Turnitin LTI currently includes a few limitations when creating assignments:
You cannot use Turnitin with group assignments.
Turnitin assignments cannot include more than one submission date; differentiated due dates are not supported.
Turnitin submissions require a minimum of 20 words, a maximum of 400 pages, and a file size maximum of 40 MB.
You cannot restrict student submission types. By default Turnitin always allows students to submit their assignment as a text entry or upload any supported file type: Text (.txt), Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx), Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt/.pptx), Postcript (.ps), Portable Document Format (.pdf), Rich Text Format (.rtf), HyperText Markup Language (.html), WordPerfect (.wp), Hangul (.hwp), or Open Office (.odt/.ods/.odp). They can also upload an assignment from Google Drive or Dropbox. Turnitin does not allow students to submit unsupported file types.
Students cannot submit multiple file uploads.
If you want to use a Canvas rubric for the assignment, you must add the rubric before setting the External Tool submission type. Create the assignment with any other submission type, save the assignment, add the rubric, and then edit the assignment to select the External Tool. Students can only view Canvas rubrics for Turnitin assignments on the Submission Details page for that assignment (at any time) or their Grades page (after the rubric has been scored).
If you want your assignment to be moderated, you must set up the moderated assignmentbefore setting the External Tool submission type. If you need to return to the moderate page after the External Tool is added, open the assignment and add /moderate after the assignment URL.
The Student View feature does not work with Turnitin LTI